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Working Preacher's Sermon Brainwave

Aug 29, 2010

FIXED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN IF YOU WERE HAVING PROBLEMS BEFORE. Join Profs. Karoline Lewis, David Lose and Matt Skinner for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. read more...

Aug 22, 2010

Join Profs. Karoline Lewis, David Lose and Matt Skinner for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. read more...

Aug 15, 2010

CORRECTION, DATES FOR THE CELEBRATION OF BIBLICAL PREACHING ARE OCT. 4-6. Join Profs. Karoline Lewis, David Lose and Matt Skinner for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. read more...

Aug 8, 2010

Join Profs. Karoline Lewis, David Lose and Matt Skinner for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. read more...

Aug 1, 2010

Join Profs. Karoline Lewis, David Lose and Matt Skinner for a conversation around preaching the lectionary texts for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. read more...